Gestalt Coaching Masterclass at HTC

Zsófia Zöldi | executive coach, organizational development trainer

Zsófia Zöldi | executive coach, organizational development trainer

As a practicing coach, I have been teaching gestalt coaching for years. In 2021, many of my groups asked if I would teach additional topics because they would love to come. This is how a 5-day Masterclass was created at HTC in September 2021. One day every month. The presence and tools of the gestalt coach, the gestalt cycle, the range of modifications to contact, the world of polarities, and the handling of resistance are the topics of the program.

Why was it worth starting? Because the themes deepened in me as well. I enjoyed the energy and trust of participants, whose questions and dilemmas inspired me.

Why was it worthwhile for the participants to join? Because a professional community was formed, where they could further deal with the gestalt coaching methodology, shape their own coaching style, and find possible solutions to their difficult situations as if they were in a supervision group.

The university classes have started already this year and I was already asked that certain question …