by Szabó Fanni | 2021.May.18 | article
Zala Ákos | Human Telex Consulting managing director What is a shadow zone? In the shadow zone different values lie that we are aware of, but also values that we are not. Those that we are aware of are either perceived as negative qualities that we do not want to show...
by Renáta Odor | 2021.May.13 | article
Prof.Dr. Csaba Deák | expert, professional mentor of innovation division Prof.Dr. Csaba Deák | expert, professional mentor of innovation division Can we use another company’s business model to start innovating our business model? Can we draw ideas from the...
by Renáta Odor | 2021.May.07 | article
Developing self-control makes you smarter Katalin Lévai | trainer, coach If we improve our concentration, we can better control our emotional reactions. Increasing our attention and awareness helps developing our thinking and problem-solving skills. In one of the most...